
Jason Byrk

I have always been passionate about taking pictures and capturing the moments, so they would not fade, but stay forever in my memory. Whenever I would look at the photos it would take my mind right back to that moment of my life.

At the age of 21 I started diving and a whole new world opened up to me. A world of endless beauty, colors, adventures and whale sharks. 

When I was 29 I followed my passion and became a scuba diving instructor, always striving to improve myself with every course I teach, with the goal of making it as easy as possible for new student divers to excell in diving. Till this day I certified more than 3000 students of all levels, from total beginners to specialty divers and also teach my students to become underwater photographers.


Jason Byrk

I have always been passionate about taking pictures and capturing the moments, so they would not fade, but stay forever in my memory. Whenever I would look at the photos it would take my mind right back to that moment of my life.

At the age of 21 I started diving and a whole new world opened up to me. A world of endless beauty, colors, adventures and whale sharks. 

When I was 29 I followed my passion and became a scuba diving instructor, always striving to improve myself with every course I teach, with the goal of making it as easy as possible for new student divers to excell in diving. Till this day I certified more than 3000 students of all levels, from total beginners to specialty divers and also teach my students to become underwater photographers.